Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Recent acquisition

Thoughts in my head:

"What will I post today? Oh yeah I could feature those killer mules I just bought."

"Okay great idea. I've already taken the pics, but not with me wearing them. Well, that's okay. Stills will have to do."

"Okay- "Add New Post". Click. Yes. Title- obviously 'Recent acquisition'."



"Oh dear. Haven't I been posting "Recent acquisition" wayyyy too often these days? Have I been developing a shopping problem."

"Do I *have* a shopping problem?"

"Hm, well maybe I can rename it. Or maybe just not feature the shoes today."

"Sigh.............................................. Never mind. We're doing it."


Now, I know what you're thinking- no big deal. It's just shoes. But actually, yes big deal. I don't buy myself a lot of footwear and it's a pleasure I give myself on few occasions throughout the year mostly because I figure that it's a way to cut costs around here.

But these shoes are so ridiculously awesome, they lured me into Rudsak last week as I was just walking on by, not looking for anything for myself or for a reward for completing my income tax return on time.


Now, I wouldn't call myself the type of gal who walks into the store and gets the animal print pants and the snakeskin bag, but here it is, I went totally weak in the knees for snakeskin leather shoes. And really, how this all happened is really not that complicated.

See, two weeks ago I dropped into the Guess? party celebrating "30 Sexy Years" and I was confronted with more animal prints and bare mid-riffs than I remembered, probably because I was three years old and bare mid-riffs were cute on toddlers. But oh-so Guess? they are.

You could wander into this party after being in a coma for 30 years and really not have missed a thing

The special Guess? anniversary collection includes animal prints, trousers and bustiers

So there I am, having a bubbly and eyeing the stretchy-tight trousers and thought, what the hell, it's for a good cause (10% of the evening's sales went to Save The Children foundation).

So I tried on a few things and guess what- I fell madly in love with these pants:

Totally unexpectedly, I tried on these purrfect pants and thought I want these right meow! But I didn't get them

That's right- I didn't get them. And instead of getting the damn pants I'm writing about them lustfully on my blog.

And instead of just buying the pants, I was primed for animal prints and bought the Rudsak snakeskin shoes. And I'm still thinking about those pants-!


(I like this shot here above, and the one below is pretty bad-ass too.)

So I guess the lesson here is, if you're still thinking about the pants after the fact, go buy them IMMEDIATELY, otherwise you'll blow your budget completely because you'll *have* to buy the pants later anyway because you're now totally nuts and buying other things that the pants primed you to buy.

On the other hand, this entire experience reminds me of what I refer to as The Lipstick Incident, when I "accidentally" came home with a $50 Chanel lipstick this winter. So, as a post-script to that, I'd like to say that I've been wearing the lipstick every time I walk out the door and I've had compliments on it. And so it will be with these shoes.


Images and thoughts by me.

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